On Sunday, September 4, 2016 at 11:18:07 AM UTC+5:30, Rustom Mody wrote:
> On Sunday, September 4, 2016 at 9:32:28 AM UTC+5:30, Veek. M wrote:
> > Regarding the name (From field), my name *is* Veek.M though I tend to 
> > shorten it to Vek.M on Google (i think Veek was taken or some such 
> > thing). Just to be clear, my parents call me something closely related 
> > to Veek that is NOT Beek or Peek or Squeak or Sneak and my official name 
> > is something really weird. Identity theft being what it is, I probably 
> > am lying anyhow about all this, but it sounds funny so :p
> Please dont take the name-police bait.
> As far as I am concerned telling someone “I dont like your name” is in the 
> same
> bracket as “I don’t like your religion/skin-color/gender/nationality/etc”
> Ie its highly offensive

That should have been just “offensive” not “highly offensive”
Too much disorder in the world from people ratcheting up their expressions 
beyond appropriate levels.
And since I am at it let me correct more precisely:
Namism — Thomas ‘bogus-appelation’ Lahn’s affliction — lies between
mildly amusing and mildly offensive as does 

Einstein’s “Nationalism is an infantile disease; its the measles of mankind” 
should be applied to all such

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