On Fri, 12 Aug 2005 00:06:17 GMT, Peter A. Schott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Trying to operate on a list of files similar to this:
>I want to sort them in numeric order instead of string order.  I'm starting 
>this code:
>import os
>for filename in [filename for filename in os.listdir(os.getcwd())]:
>       print filename
>       #Write to file, but with filenames sorted by extension
>Desired result is a file containing something like:
>I need to order by that extension for the file output.
>I know I've got to be missing something pretty simple, but am not sure what.
>Does anyone have any ideas on what I'm missing?
Decorate with the integer value, sort, undecorate. E.g.,

 >>> namelist = """\
 ... test.1
 ... test.2
 ... test.3
 ... test.4
 ... test.10
 ... test.15
 ... test.20
 ... """.splitlines()
 >>> namelist
 ['test.1', 'test.2', 'test.3', 'test.4', 'test.10', 'test.15', 'test.20']

Just to show we're doing something
 >>> namelist.reverse()
 >>> namelist
 ['test.20', 'test.15', 'test.10', 'test.4', 'test.3', 'test.2', 'test.1']

this list comprehension makes a sequence of tuples like (20, 'test.20'), (15, 
'test.15') etc.
and sorts them, and then takes out the name from the sorted (dec, name) tuple 

 >>> [name for dec,name in sorted((int(nm.rsplit('.',1)[1]),nm) for nm in 
 >>> namelist)]
 ['test.1', 'test.2', 'test.3', 'test.4', 'test.10', 'test.15', 'test.20']

The lexical sort, for comparison:
 >>> sorted(namelist)
 ['test.1', 'test.10', 'test.15', 'test.2', 'test.20', 'test.3', 'test.4']

This depends on the extension being nicely splittable with a single '.', but 
should be the case for you I think, if you make sure you eliminate directory 
and file names that don't end that way. You can look before you leap or catch 
conversion exceptions, but to do that, you'll need a loop instead of a 

>>> [name for dec,name in sorted((int(nm.split('.')[1]),nm) for nm in namelist)]
['test.1', 'test.2', 'test.3', 'test.4', 'test.10', 'test.15', 'test.20']
>>> sorted(namelist)
['test.1', 'test.10', 'test.15', 'test.2', 'test.20', 'test.3', 'test.4']

Bengt Richter

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