On Thu, 19 May 2016 09:30 am, Ethan Furman wrote:

> On 05/18/2016 03:52 PM, Gregory Ewing wrote:
>> Ned Batchelder wrote:
>>> I'm not sure how
>>> the test runner could determine that it was empty.  I guess it could
>>> introspect the test function to see if it had any real code in it,
>> Then people would just get clever at putting dummy code
>> in the test that fools the test runner but doesn't really
>> test anything...
> Some would have, sure.
> Either way, it's a solved issue now because we (finally ;) have the
> @skip decorator.

That only solves the problem for responsible, decent developers.

But I guarantee you that, right now, as we speak, there is some poor schmuck
out there whose Pointy Haired Boss has given him a Key Performance
Indicator of X tests passing (not failing or skipped) per week, and he's
responding by writing tests which pass by not testing anything.



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