On 5/7/2016 11:51 PM, Chris Angelico wrote:
On Sun, May 8, 2016 at 1:28 PM, DFS <nos...@dfs.com> wrote:
Invalid constant name "cityzip" (invalid-name)
Invalid constant name "state" (invalid-name)
Invalid constant name "miles" (invalid-name)
Invalid constant name "store" (invalid-name)
Invalid variable name "rs" (invalid-name)

... huh?? The first four seem to have been incorrectly detected as
constants. How are they used?

The first four are set once and not changed. Probably that's why it calls it a constant.

The last one is probably "too short". Or something.

In this case, rs is a pyodbc row object.

rs = cursor.fetchone()

standard import "import re, requests" comes before "import pyodbc, sqlite3"

  * So I switched them, and then it complained about that:

standard import "import pyodbc, sqlite3" comes before "import re, requests"


You can't win with pylint...

Probably that means it got confused by the alphabetization - "pyodbc"
should come before "re" and "requests", but "sqlite3" should come
after. Either fix the first problem by splitting them onto separate
lines, or ignore this as a cascaded error.

My general principle is that things on one line should *belong* on one
line. So having "import re, requests" makes no sense, but I might have
something like "import os, sys" when the two modules are both used in
one single line of code and never again. Otherwise, splitting them out
is the easiest.

I like to put them on a related line. Didn't know where re belonged, and I don't like putting them on single line each.

|superfluous-parens       |3           | I like to surround 'or'
                                         statments with parens

I would need examples to comment

if ("Please choose a state" in str(matches)):
if (var == "val" or var2 == "val2"):

Cut the parens. Easy!

Maybe. I actually like my 'or' parens. Habit maybe, because of this situation:

if (var == "val" or var2 == "val2") and (var3 == val3 or var4 == val4):

It says "Used builtin function 'filter'. Using a list comprehension can be
clearer. (bad-builtin)"

Kill that message and keep using filter.

Unfortunately, 'bad-builtin' caught 2 truly bad uses of built-ins (zip() and id()), so I'll leave that warning in.

2.7.11 built-ins:

abs()   divmod()        input() open()  staticmethod()
all()   enumerate()     int()   ord()   str()
any()   eval()  isinstance()    pow()   sum()
basestring()    execfile()      issubclass()    print() super()
bin()   file()  iter()  property()      tuple()
bool()  filter()        len()   range() type()
bytearray()     float() list()  raw_input()     unichr()
callable()      format()        locals()        reduce()        unicode()
chr()   frozenset()     long()  reload()        vars()
classmethod()   getattr()       map()   repr()  xrange()
cmp()   globals()       max()   reversed()      zip()
compile()       hasattr()       memoryview()    round() __import__()
complex()       hash()  min()   set()   
delattr()       help()  next()  setattr()       
dict()  hex()   object()        slice() 
dir()   id()    oct()   sorted()

I probably would've used dict as an object name at some point, too.


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