On 06/04/2016 12:46, Marko Rauhamaa wrote:
BartC <b...@freeuk.com>:

It'll cope with ordinary coding as well, although such programs seem
to be frowned upon here; they are not 'Pythonic'.

I wonder what is left of Python after your list of exclusions.

There are plenty of features that /I/ consider must-have, which Python doesn't have. It has to emulate them, unsatisfactorily, with variables or classes or functions, or do without.

But you're right in that little is actually essential. Basic has shown that.

You need expressions, IF, GOTO, variables and assignments, and some means of doing I/O.

Pretty much every language has (had) those, although it's fashionable now to do away with GOTO, and some are getting rid of (rewritable) variables too! Others seem intent on doing away with control flow altogether, just having expressions. Apparently they think coding should become more elitist with only mathematicians allowed to participate.

I have the opposite view.


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