
On 03/04/16 21:25, Loop.IO wrote:
On Sunday, April 3, 2016 at 9:15:22 PM UTC+1, Erik wrote:
On 03/04/16 20:54, Loop.IO wrote:
The original post said what did happen, the code runs and hangs on
the create file, and once i press Enter it then finishes and creates
the file, not sure how you missed that but thanks

Yes, I read your original post. That was days ago.

The comment I was replying to was you telling BartC that what he had
suggested "didn't work" (with no further information).

Please pay attention to the context of the email you are responding to.



It was a syntax error. But sure, thanks.

So, you reply to my advisory on how to report your problem by saying that your original post said what did happen. Your original post said:

"the code runs and hangs on the create file, and once i press Enter it then finishes and creates the file"

But it turns out that "It was a syntax error".

If it was a syntax error, them how did the code run and "hang on the create file"?

Don't try to sweep my suggestion (that you should describe your symptoms properly) under the carpet. It's a very important lesson to learn for people trying to report bugs/issues.


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