Am 29.03.16 um 08:21 schrieb Rustom Mody:
Dijkstra liked to point out that CS was backward in America compared to Europe
because in Europe they used 'store' but Americans used anthropomorphism like 

Now given that store can mean -- among other things --
- room where I dump stuff
- shop where I buy bread and eggs
- etc
why is Dijkstra's preferred use actually any better?

The Oxford dictionary lists "store" for "shop" as "chiefly North American"

Maybe Dijkstra was speaking from his native Dutch perspective? I don't know in Dutch, but at least in German we use "Speicher", which means "store room" - either a closet or room, typically under the roof, where you store things for later use, or a municipal facility to store, e.g. water in big amounts, or the big buildings at harbours used to store goods, but never a shop.

A room where you store things for later use is a quite good description for computer memory, isn't it?


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