c...@isbd.net wrote:

> Occasionally I have to make forays into Javascript, can anyone
> recommend a place similar to this list where Javascript questions can
> be asked?  The trouble is that there are very many usenet Javascript
> lists and it's difficult to guess which one[es] might be good.

There is no Javascript. 

There are no Usenet lists.

This is not only a Python *mailing* list, it is also mirrored as an 
international Usenet _newsgroup_, <news:comp.lang.python> (which I am 

If you can accept all of that, then the international Usenet _newsgroup_ 
<news:comp.lang.javascript> (where I am posting primarily) is for you.
So are other national/language-specific newsgroups on the JavaScripts and 
other ECMAScript implementations.  In your newsreader, search for newsgroups 
whose name contains “javascript”.

Next time, read <news:news.answers> and STFW first, and get a real name.


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