On 15/03/2016 11:52, BartC wrote:
On 15/03/2016 01:55, Steven D'Aprano wrote:

switch obj:
     case "Hello", None: ...
     case [1, 2, 3]: ...
     case 23.01, 15+2j, Fraction(10, 11): ...
     case 100**100, {}: ...

and more. This is not negotiable: having a switch statement limited to
ints is simply not an option.

Not a problem: http://pastebin.com/qdQintSZ

The solution I posted tested the values one after another. I was interested in whether it was that much faster than if-elif in CPython 3, so I tried the test similar to that below, except that k, c and f were literal values in the loop to start with.

Initial timings were 5 seconds for mine, 12.5 seconds for Python. That's in line with what I expected when dealing with more complex objects.

However, I then took the 100**100 outside the loop in my version (as that expression was not reduced to a constant). The timing then reduced to 170ms (I have a slow big num library).

But doing the same with Python made no difference. Taking Complex and Fraction outside reduced the timing to 8 seconds, still 50 times slower.

(My language doesn't understand Complex and Fraction, so testing against those is a quick process. Taking those out completely as well as 100**100 made a difference, but there was the same discrepancy)

I know my language isn't that fast, so something is slowing down the Python in this test (and I don't /think/ I've left a zero out in my version!)

So maybe it makes the case for a proper Switch in Python stronger where such comparisons could be streamlined.

from fractions import Fraction

def test():

#    print (data)

    for n in range(100000):
        for obj in data:
            if obj=="hello" or obj==None:
            elif obj==[1,2,3]:
            elif obj==23.01 or obj==c or obj==f:
            elif obj==k or obj=={}:



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