On Mon, Mar 14, 2016 at 8:26 AM, Christian Gollwitzer <aurio...@gmx.de> wrote:
> I assume you run this in a big loop. What about a single hash-table lookup?
> from collections import Counter
> counts=Counter()
> for c in whatever:
>         counts[c]+=1
> upper=sum(counts[x] for x in range(ord('A'), ord('Z')+1)
> lower=sum(counts[x] for x in range(ord('a'), ord('z')+1)
> ....
> I think this is equally readable as the switch version, and should be much
> faster.

At this point, it's completely moved away from being a switch block,
so while it may well be more readable AND faster, it's pretty much
irrelevant to the discussion. The value of a switch block is arbitrary
code, same as an if/elif tree, without having to package stuff up into
functions. Although I could accept a function-based solution if it
looks clean enough...

case = switch(c)

@case("A", "Z")
def _():

@case("a", "z")
def _():

@case("0", "9")
def _():

def _():

It creates an inner scope, which most people won't need or want, and
it's creating a bunch of functions every iteration, but the code's
reasonably clean. And it's fairly implementable:

def switch(template):
    def case(testme, *range):
        if done is not case: return done # Already hit another case.
        match = False
        if isinstance(testme, type(case)):
            # No parens - this is the default case
            match = True
        elif range:
            match = testme <= template <= range[0]
            match = template == testme
        if match:
            done = testme()
        return done
    done = case # Sentinel: Not done yet.
    return case

Now you can play around with performance questions. But not until the
code (a) does the right thing, and (b) looks good enough to maintain.


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