On 2016-03-07, Ian Kelly <ian.g.ke...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 7, 2016 at 11:51 AM, Jon Ribbens
><jon+use...@unequivocal.co.uk> wrote:
>> I must say that Python on Windows was a very poor experience indeed,
>> "virtualenv" does not work and "venv" refuses to create the 'activate'
>> shell script so does not work either
> I've used both of these on Windows (although not recently) and had no
> trouble with them. I never had a problem with venv not creating the
> activate.bat file.
It's not activate.bat, it's activate (no file extension) the posix
shell script. I installed Git for Windows which provides bash (or
something that looks like it). Python venv doesn't cope with this
situation at all.

'virtualenv' works even less well, it just says:

$ virtualenv test
Using base prefix 'd:\\program files (x86)\\python35-32'
New python executable in D:\Users\Jon 
ERROR: The executable "D:\Users\Jon 
Ribbens\Documents\Python\test\Scripts\python.exe" could not be run: [WinError 
5] Access is denied

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