On Mon, 08 Aug 2005 02:56:35 +0200, cantabile wrote: > stasz a écrit : >> On Sun, 07 Aug 2005 21:33:21 +0200, cantabile wrote: >> >> >>>stasz a écrit : >>> >>>>On Sun, 07 Aug 2005 11:09:14 +0200, cantabile wrote: >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>>>Hi, >>>>>I'm failing to make it work but can't find out what's wrong. Here's what >>>>>I do : >>>> >>>>[....] >>>> >>>> >>>>>How come ? What's wrong with what I am doing ? >>>> >>>>Start with this little howto about gettext. >>>>http://childsplay.sourceforge.net/translate-howto.html >>>> >>>>And then do this in your test.py: >>>>http://www.python.org/doc/2.4.1/lib/node330.html >>>> >>>>You should read the part about gettext in the Python Library Reference >>>>it's really good :-) >>>> >>>>Good luck, >>>>Stas Z >>>> >>>> >>> >>>Well, I must be dumb, because I did exactly that and it still doesn't >>>work... >>> >>>BTW, I have no pygettext module. I asked here and somebody said it was >>>deprecated and now included in xgettext. >>>And I've read the Python doc about gettext about ten times, but it seems >>>quite outdated since it calls pygettext (as staded above)... >>> >>>I've read the info pages of gettext too (quite a long work). >> >> Ok, you should use xgettext to create a .po file from your test1.py. >> Translate that file and use msgfmt to compile it into a .mo file. >> Copy this .mo file to /usr/share/locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/ >> >> >>>Here's my test1.py file again : >>> >>>=========================== >>>import gettext, os, locale >>> >>>locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL) >>>gettext.install('test1.py', '/usr/share/locale') >> >> test1.py is wrong, you must give the name of the .mo file. >> It must be: gettext.install('test1.mo', '/usr/share/locale') >> Assuming you have called the mo file like that. >> >> Stas Z >> >> > > Well, I did this exactly... and still no go. > > Is this sequence correct : > 1° xgettext test1.py > 2° mv messages.po messages.pot > 3° msginit > 4° Translate msgstr"" in [EMAIL PROTECTED] file > 5° msgfmt -o test1.mo [EMAIL PROTECTED] > 6° cp test1.mo /usr/share/locale/LC_MESSAGES > 7° python test1.py > > > This is what I did, without success. Must be bewitched :(( Your steps seems alright. Just a thought; you do start test1.py from a [EMAIL PROTECTED] environment do you? I mean in a xterm do: export [EMAIL PROTECTED] And then start test1.py from there.
Stas -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list