stasz a écrit :
> On Tue, 09 Aug 2005 23:59:26 +0200, cantabile wrote:
>>stas a écrit :
>>>As a reminder, make sure that you install gettext in the namespace
>>>of your toplevel module.
> [....]
>>Noticed something :
>>I must import AFTER gettext.install('test1') and even then, if 
>> imports, messages won't be translated in I 
>>have to import in too.
>>Is this normal behaviour or is there something I'm missing (again) ?
> Hmm, perhaps I missed something, namespaces can be sometimes hard
> to get right.
> Let's see:
> test1 imports and installs gettext.
> Now test1 holds the gettext reference.
> test1 imports test2 and test3 and 'inherits' test1 namespace
> test2 and test3 have access to test1 namespace and the gettext.
> So in (pseudo) Python code test1 would looks like this:
> import gettext
> gettext.install(test)# assuming holds all the strings
> import test2, test3
> Another approach would be to place the whole gettext install stuff
> in a separate module wrapped in a function which can be imported
> by every module that wants language support.
> (That's the approach I always use)
> Contents of
> (Code is not tested, it's to show the principals)
> import locale, gettext
> def set_gettext(mo_location='/usr/share/locale'):
>       locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL)
>       gettext.install('test1', mo_location)
> Now in your modules you could do this:
> In
> from utils import set_gettext
> set_gettext()# remember gettext.install installs '_' in the
>            # current namespace, in this case test1.
> import test2, test 3
> In
> from utils import set_gettext
> set_gettext()
> ....
> ....
> Now test1 and test2 get their gettext from test1 while test4 import
> gettext from which installs the same mo file as it did in
> test1, test2 and test3.
>>PS : your project looks nice !
> Thanks.
> BTW, the principal of gettext in is also implemented in
> the gvr project, so you have a real life example there :-)
> Stas
Thanks for the explanation, very clear, as usual.
Cheers :)

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