On Saturday 27 February 2016 04:48 PM, wrong.addres...@gmail.com wrote:
I have some VB forms with more than a hundred objects. If I cannot drag and
drop text boxes, list boxes, labels, etc., it will be too much work to create
that with several lines of code for each object.
Isn't there any good GUI IDE like Visual Basic? I hope there are some less well
known GUI IDEs which I did not come across. Thanks.
I too faced such a problem, being familiar with basic i too found it
difficult to transition from designer to text only, but i found the
solution, i.e. qt, try pyqt, for desigining try qt creator, i don't know
if qt designer is still installable but qt creator is. you can easily
design your forms and generate python code and then integrate them with
your program. a little commandline stuff, but you can always batch it up.