Eric Pederson wrote:

[snip yet another article repeating what's been said over and over again 
for years]

> Is it wrong to appreciate Python as a language, but want to have the nice 
> accoutrements we see in some competing languages?

No it's not wrong to want these things. The problem is that we're not 
lacking in people posting this *same exact complaint* every month or so. 
We *are* lacking in people implementing these things.

If you want to see these nice accoutrements, *stop posting here and get 
to work*! These threads never, ever bring anything new or interesting to 
the table, they don't build any consensus, and they certainly don't get 
any code written.

Robert Kern

"In the fields of hell where the grass grows high
  Are the graves of dreams allowed to die."
   -- Richard Harter


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