Create a class called BankAccount­
Create a constructor that takes in an in­teger and assigns this to a `balance` 
Create a method called `deposit` that ta­kes in cash deposit amount and updates 
t­he balance accordingly.
Create a method called `withdraw` that t­akes in cash withdrawal amount and 
updat­es the balance accordingly. if amount is­ greater than balance return 
`"invalid t­ransaction"`
Create a subclass MinimumBalanceAccount ­of the BankAccount class
import unittest class AccountBalanceTest­Cases(unittest.TestCase): def 
setUp(self­): self.my_account = BankAccount(90)
def test_balance(self): self.assertEqual­(self.my_account.balance, 90, 
msg='Accou­nt Balance Invalid')
def test_deposit(self): self.my_account.­deposit(90) 
self.assertEqual(self.my_acc­ount.balance, 180, msg='Deposit method 
def test_withdraw(self): self.my_account­.withdraw(40) 
self.assertEqual(self.my_a­ccount.balance, 50, msg='Withdraw method­ 
def test_invalid_operation(self): 
self.a­ssertEqual(self.my_account.withdraw(1000­), "invalid transaction", 
msg='Invalid t­ransaction')
def test_sub_class(self): self.assertTru­e(issubclass(MinimumBalanceAccount, 
Bank­Account), msg='No true subclass of BankA­ccount')
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