Dear list members!

I have written I small python script for twitter mining utilising the 'tweepy' library. Since a couple of days I cannot use the script anymore, due to a "ssl certificate verification failed" error. The authentication with Twitter API succeess, but when I try to run the following code:

--- snip ---

api=tweepy.API(auth)   # 'auth' is my authentification token
print("Receiving network members for '", user_to_track, "' ... ")
network_members = []

# The user wants to get all followers of a twitter user
while True:
      for page in tweepy.Cursor(api.followers_ids, user_to_track).pages():
         print("Current follower count: ", len(network_members))
         if len(page)==5000: time.sleep(60)
   except tweepy.TweepError as e:
      # Did we exceed the rate limit?
      if e.message[0]["code"]==88:
         # Yes -> sleep for 15 minutes and then continue
         print("Rate limit exceeded, sleeping for 15 minutes ...")
         # Something else went wrong -> break out from the loop!
print("Exception: ", e.message[0], " (", e.code[0], ") --> interrupting, sorry!")

--- snip ---

the execution is broken with an "ŚSL_VERIFICATION_FAILED" error.

I have tried both python 2.7 and 3.x, no difference :( I have also upgraded 'tweepy', no help.

I suspect this being somehow related to my current system, i.e. openSuSE Tumbleweed. I tested the script on a ubuntu system and encountered no problems... But I need to get the script running also with my openSuSE :)

Any ideas what could be causing this weird problem?

Thanks in advance!


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