On Mon, Jan 4, 2016 at 1:35 AM,  <cc.fezer...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Here's my code in python :
> def get_algorithm_result( numlist ):
>  largest = numlist[0]
>  i = 1
>  while ( i < len(numlist) ):
>    if ( largest < numlist[i]):
>      largest = numlist[i]
>      i = i + 1
>      numlist[i] = numlist[-1]
>      return largest
>      numlist = [1,2,3,4,5]
>      largest = get_algorithm_result(numlist)
>      print largest
> def prime_number(x):
>  return len([n for n in range(1, x + 1) if x % n == 0]) <= 2

I'm a bit uncertain of your indentation here, partly because there's
so little of it; what happens in the while loop if the 'if' condition
is false?

After a 'return' statement, nothing will be executed. If you write
code like this:

if some_condition:
    return something

the second call will never happen - the function will immediately bail
out. Maybe you meant for the subsequent code to be unindented? I'm not

Have a very careful read of your requirements, and try to lay your
code out the exact same way. Put comments against each block of code
to show which part of the required algorithm it's performing. That
way, you divide the problem up some, and you can look at each piece


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