Good day, please I'm writing the algorithm below in python but unittest keeps 
giving error no matter how i rewrite it.

This is the algorithm:

  Create a function get_algorithm_result to implement the algorithm below
Get a list of numbers L1, L2, L3....LN as argument
Assume L1 is the largest,  Largest = L1
Take next number Li from the list and do the following
If Largest is less than Li
   Largest = Li
 If Li is last number from  the list then
  return Largest and come out
 Else repeat same process starting from step 3
  Create a function prime_number that does the following 
Takes as parameter an integer and 
Returns boolean value true if the value is prime or
Returns boolean value false if the value is not prime

Here's my code in python :

def get_algorithm_result( numlist ):
 largest = numlist[0]
 i = 1
 while ( i < len(numlist) ):
   if ( largest < numlist[i]):
     largest = numlist[i]
     i = i + 1
     numlist[i] = numlist[-1]
     return largest
     numlist = [1,2,3,4,5]
     largest = get_algorithm_result(numlist)
     print largest
def prime_number(x):
 return len([n for n in range(1, x + 1) if x % n == 0]) <= 2

With this code it gives error message saying failure in test_maximum_number_two
Then when I remove the numlist[i] = numlist[-1]
The error message becomes failure in test_maximum_number_one
(Using unit test)

Please help, what am I writing wrong?

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