
I'm used to compile postgresql from source
(last time it was postgresql-9.4.4 with
./configure --prefix=/usr --enable-thread-safety 
--docdir=/usr/share/doc/postgresql-9.4.4 --with-tcl --with-openssl 
--enable-nls=de --with-libxml
on my linuxmint17-box)

and then the installation of psycopg2 (in my case psycopg2-2.6.1) works just 
fine and smoothly (even for python-3.5!).

If you've got postgresql through a pre-compiled package it is (maybe) necessary 
to *show* where to find 'pg_config' by editing the setup.cfg-file in the 

Have you visited this site?


* Dhaval Parekh - NCrypted <dhaval.par...@ncrypted.com> [2015-12-14 09:29]:
> Hello,
> I'm newbie in using python. I've installed python 3.5 and django 1.9 to
> develop web application. I wanted to set postgresql as a DBMS but I couldn't
> complete the setup as it was continuously throwing me an error that psycopg2
> module not found. I've digged a lot but I couldn't find psycopg2 for python
> 3.5. Is it something 3.5 has different scenario for django? I couldn't find
> anyway to complete my setup so I'm going to downgrade to 3.4 as I found
> psycopg2 for 3.4 only. 
> If you have any idea about it then please let me know.
> Regards,
> Dhaval Parekh
> Project Coordinator,
> NCrypted Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
>  <http://www.ncrypted.com/> http://www.ncrypted.com
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  Michael Poeltl <michael.poe...@univie.ac.at>
  Computational Materials Physics at University
  Wien, Sensengasse 8/12, A-1090 Wien, AUSTRIA
  using elinks-0.12, mutt-1.5.21, and vim-7.4,
  with python-3.4.3, on linux mint 17 (qiana)   :-)
  fon: +43-1-4277-51409

  "Lehrend lernen wir!"

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