On Wed, Dec 2, 2015 at 11:08 PM, Packie Kelly <jkjkel...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi my name is Patrick,
> I have a problem regarding the installation of the latest version of
> python, everytime I install the program I keep getting the message modify,
> repair, uninstall. I've tried different versions but with no luck. Before
> you ask I have already completely removed the program.
> Looking forward to your reply

My crystal ball says you're using Windows XP. Your options, if that is
the case, are:

1) Downgrade to Python 3.4
2) Upgrade to Windows 7/8/10
3) Install a better operating system, like Linux, *BSD, or Mac OS

Otherwise, tell us some more about your system - what kind of computer
are you running, what OS are you using, etc, etc - and where you got
Python from, etc. We'll then be better able to advise.


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