On 08/10/2015 16:27, Laura Creighton wrote:
> In a message of Thu, 08 Oct 2015 15:49:56 +0100, Tim Golden writes:
>> On 08/10/2015 14:25, MICHAEL wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> Please forgive a new user's ignorance.
>>> I am trying to install Python 3.5.0 on my laptop (Windows 10). The
>>> default installation directory is shown as c:\Users\(my user
>>> name)\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python35-32. However, if I select
>>> Custom Install then the default installation directory is c:\Program
>>> Files(x86)\Python3.5.
>>> In either case, after the installation is complete I cannot find a
>>> Python3.5 directory under Program Files(x86) or the Users\... directory.
>> OP reports off-list that the installation now appears to have been
>> successful. (I'm not clear whether as the result of a re-install or
>> simply finding the .exe)
>> TJG
> Well, his Python shouldn't have been scattered all over his filesystem
> in any case.  Did it all show up in one place like it was supposed to?

(Not entirely sure if you're serious...)

Those were elements of the other programs he mentioned which ship Python
as, eg, a scripting or even because they're partly or wholly implemented
in Python. Apart from the file locations, none of the DLL versions are
35: python27.dll, python33.dll etc.



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