On 13/08/2015 07:26, Sven R. Kunze wrote:
On 13.08.2015 02:45, Chris Angelico wrote:
On Thu, Aug 13, 2015 at 6:54 AM, Mark Lawrence<breamore...@yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
On 12/08/2015 19:44, Sven R. Kunze wrote:
On 12.08.2015 18:11, Chris Angelico wrote:
(Please don't top-post.)
Is this some guideline? I actually quite dislike pick somebody's mail to
pieces. It actually pulls things out of context. But if this is a rule
for this, so be it.
The rules here are very simple. Snip what you don't wish to reply to (yes I
know I forget sometimes), intersperse your answers to what you do want to
respond to.
As Mark says, the key is to intersperse your answers with the context.
In some email clients, you can highlight a block of text and hit
Reply, and it'll quote only that text. (I was so happy when Gmail
introduced that feature. It was the one thing I'd been most missing
from it.)
So, I take this as a "my personal preference guideline" because I cannot
find an official document for this (maybe, I am looking at the wrong
This is a community list. The rule has been no top posting here for the
15 years I've been using Python. I find trying to follow the really
long threads on python-dev or python-ideas almost impossible as there is
no rule, so you're up and down responses like a yo-yo.
In order to keep you happy, I perform this ancient type communication
where the most relevant information (i.e. the new one) is either to find
at the bottom (scrolling is such fun) OR hidden between the lines
(wasting time is even more fun these days).
What rubbish. Just because some people have been brainwashed into
writing English incorrectly by their using M$ Outlook doesn't mean that
the rest of the world has to follow suit. If you don't want to work so
hard to use this list then simply don't bother coming here, I doubt that
the list will miss you.
Btw. to me, the *context is the entire post*, not just two lines. I hate
if people answer me on every single word I've written and try to explain
what've got wrong instead of trying to understand the message and my
perspective as a whole. I find it very difficult to respond to such a
post and I am inclined to completely start from an empty post.
Which is why we prefer interspersed posting such as this.
My fellow Pythonistas, ask not what our language can do for you, ask
what you can do for our language.
Mark Lawrence