On 2015-08-12 17:57, Ltc Hotspot wrote:
I ran the code, and the output:
Raw data code:
handle = """From stephen.marqu...@uct.ac.za Sat Jan 5 09:14:16 2008
>From lo...@media.berkeley.edu Fri Jan 4 18:10:48 2008
# Snippet file data: mbox-short.txt
count = dict()
#fname = raw_input("Enter file name: ")# Add Snippet file
#handle = open (fname, 'r')# Add Snippet file
for line in handle:
if line.startswith("From "):
time = line.split() # Sort time
hours = list.split(":")[5] # Sort hours
line = line.rstrip()
count[hours] = count.get(hours, 0) + 1 # counter
lst = [(val,key) for key,val in count.items()]
print key, val
Syntax message:
In [45]: %run assignment_10_2_v_06
Traceback (most recent call last)
C:\Users\vm\Desktop\apps\docs\Python\week_10\assignment_10_2_v_06.py in <module>
11 time = line.split() # Sort time
---> 13 hours = list.split(":")[5] # Sort hours
14 line = line.rstrip()
AttributeError: type object 'list' has no attribute 'split'
In [46]:
Read the indicated line _carefully_.
What is it _actually_ trying to split?