On 8/1/05, Cliff Wells <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Personally, all I expect is an obvious pointer to a mailing list and a
> helpful community willing to suffer NB questions (fast bugfixes is a big
> plus too).  If that's available, I'm happy.  But then I'm willing to
> actually work a little to get what I want.  For other it seems they
> won't be happy unless you drive to their house and install it for them
> (which only seems fair, cause if you hadn't volunteered to write such
> crap then they wouldn't have had to be bothered with it in the first
> place, damn you).  Maybe you wouldn't mind tidying up a bit and washing
> a few dishes while you're at it?


Yep, it's their fault for not charging us for their work! How evil can
people get? Sharing their work and asking for nothing in return? What


# p.d.

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