Daniel Dittmar wrote:

> Jorge Godoy wrote:
>> We can find several problems, almost all of them can be solved with the
>> admin's creativity.
> You must distinguish between solving technical problems once a course
> has ben set and choosing such a course in the first place.
> The latter has to deal also with the risks of the unknown. Of course
> what is unknown can be influenced somewhat by getting information.

I agree where you say that lack of information is a risk.  But I don't see
how it -- lack of information -- wouldn't affect both scenarios.  At least,
when I'm developing a solution, I have to present a deployment plan and
cover the specified cases.  If something was not specified or is an
exception, then a new action plan is developed and the client is consulted
again (after all, if it's his fault there will be extra costs for him; if
it's my mistake, then I'll assume the costs). 

This repeats until all the needs are documented and the code works on them,
or exceptions where the code won't work are also documented.  Always
there's the "OK" from the client.

Jorge Godoy      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


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