Zachary Ware wrote:

On Jul 30, 2015 2:05 AM, "ElChino" < <>> 
 > If I in a cmd-shell (actually it is 4NT), do:
 >   c:>py -3 -V & python3 -V
 > I get:
 >   Requested Python version (3) not installed  << ! from py -3 -V
 >   Python 3.5.0b2   << ! from the 2nd cmd.
 > What nonsense is this? I DO HAVE Python3 in my %PATH.
 > A Registry setting gone haywire?

Did you perchance rename the installed 'python.exe' to 'python3.exe'?
That would be enough to break the launcher.  If you want a 'python3'
command, you can copy 'python.exe' to 'python3.exe', but 'python.exe'
needs to remain where it was.

That's what I did:

  ls -l f:/ProgramFiler/Python35/python*.exe
  -rwxr-xr-x 1 XX Administratorer 37664 May 31 04:18 
  -rwxr-xr-x 1 XX Administratorer 37664 May 31 04:18 
  -rwxr-xr-x 1 XX Administratorer 37664 May 31 04:18 

They all depends on:

The one and only python35.dll on this box. And also on PATH.

I took Ben Finney's advice to heart. From:

  Calling ‘python’ is now ambiguous, and with Python 2 slipping inexorably
  into the past, increasingly the ‘python’ command is the wrong choice for
  code that we want to survive in the future.

  I am seeing a growing call, with which I agree, to recommend explicitly
  calling ‘python2’ or ‘python3’ as commands.

That's why I made that copy; even if some of you find that strange on Windows.
I'll investigate is there's an issue with the Registry later.


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