On 7/30/2015 3:03 AM, ElChino wrote:
If I in a cmd-shell (actually it is 4NT), do:
   c:>py -3 -V & python3 -V

I get:
   Requested Python version (3) not installed  << ! from py -3 -V
   Python 3.5.0b2   << ! from the 2nd cmd.

What nonsense is this? I DO HAVE Python3 in my %PATH.
A Registry setting gone haywire?

Start with something that works.
C:\Users\Terry>py -3
Python 3.5.0b2 (v3.5.0b2:7a088af5615b, May 31 2015, 06:22:19) [MSC v.1900 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> exit()

Terry Jan Reedy


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