On Tue, 28 Jul 2015 at 15:01 Victor Hooi <victorh...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I have a line that looks like this:
>     14     *0    330     *0     760   411|0       0   770g  1544g   117g
>  1414 computedshopcartdb:103.5%          0      30|0     0|1    19m    97m
> 1538 ComputedCartRS  PRI   09:40:26
> I'd like to split this line on multiple separators - in this case,
> consecutive whitespace, as well as the pipe symbol (|).

Is this what you want:

In [5]: def split(s):
   ...:     elements = []
   ...:     for x in s.split():  # Split whitespace
   ...:         elements.extend(x.split('|'))
   ...:     return elements

In [6]: s = "14     *0    330     *0     760   411|0       0   770g
1544g   117g   1414 computedshopcartdb:103.5%          0      30|0
0|1    19m    97m  1538 ComputedCartRS  PRI   09:40:26"

In [7]: split(s)


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