I have a line that looks like this:

    14     *0    330     *0     760   411|0       0   770g  1544g   117g   1414 
computedshopcartdb:103.5%          0      30|0     0|1    19m    97m  1538 
ComputedCartRS  PRI   09:40:26

I'd like to split this line on multiple separators - in this case, consecutive 
whitespace, as well as the pipe symbol (|).

If I run .split() on the line, it will split on consecutive whitespace:

In [17]: f.split()

If I try to run .split(' |'), however, I get:

f.split(' |')
Out[18]: ['    14     *0    330     *0     760   411|0       0   770g  1544g   
117g   1414 computedshopcartdb:103.5%          0      30|0     0|1    19m    
97m  1538 ComputedCartRS  PRI   09:40:26']

I know the regex library also has a split, unfortunately, that does not 
collapse consecutive whitespace:

In [19]: re.split(' |', f)

Is there an easy way to split on multiple characters, and also treat 
consecutive delimiters as a single delimiter?

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