On Sunday  7 Jun 2015 23:17 CEST, Sreenath Nair wrote:

> I have a general query about the following snippet:
> import os
> Import sys
> for each_dir in os.listdir("/home/tmpuser"):
> full_path = os.path.join("/home/tmpuser", each_dir)
> sys.stdout.write("\r%s" % full_path)
> sys.stdout.flush()
> The snippet is a simplified example of me trying to print to the
> same line by using carriage return. This is working fine. However,
> the issue is that if the previous line was longer than the current
> line being printed then there are characters leftover from the
> previous print. Like so:
> Print no. 1: /home/tmpuser/somedir/somefile.ext
> Print no. 2:/home/tmpuser/somefile.extmefile.ext
> In case of the newly printed shorter line, the characters from the
> previously printed longer line are leftover... Is there any way to
> clear the previous print? While still being able to print to the
> same line?

Say that you know that a line will never be longer as 80 characters,
then you could do something like:

Cecil Westerhof
Senior Software Engineer
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/cecilwesterhof

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