I have a general query about the following snippet:
import os
Import sys
for each_dir in os.listdir("/home/tmpuser"):
full_path = os.path.join("/home/tmpuser", each_dir)
sys.stdout.write("\r%s" % full_path)
The snippet is a simplified example of me trying to print to the same line by
using carriage return. This is working fine. However, the issue is that if the
previous line was longer than the current line being printed then there are
characters leftover from the previous print. Like so:
Print no. 1: /home/tmpuser/somedir/somefile.ext
Print no. 2:/home/tmpuser/somefile.extmefile.ext
In case of the newly printed shorter line, the characters from the previously
printed longer line are leftover... Is there any way to clear the previous
print? While still being able to print to the same line?
Thank you for any help.