I am trying to rush it a bit but things are starting to go to hell.

SikuliX needs to be restarted continously to deal with bugs.

Plus Eclipse breakpoints cannot be set.

So both IDEs totally suck for any complex code development.

Plus I can already tell this is going to be insanely slow in python for some reason.

I am starting to have serious doubts for python as a parser platform:

This simple piece of code already takes 10 seconds for just 120 characters ? HOLYSHIT ?!

Bad sign.

BotDemoFolder = "C:\\Games\\Startrek Online\\Startrek Online\\Cryptic Studios\\Star Trek Online\\Live\\demos"
BotDemoFile = "SpaceFleetAlertEnemyExample.demo"

import time

def ParseDemoLines( ParaLines ):
print "Parsing " + str( len(ParaLines) ) + " lines."

for LineIndex in range(0, len(ParaLines)):
 if "{" in ParaLines[LineIndex]: # how to process a line.. hmmm...
  print "yup"

def ParseStructureOpen( ParaChars, CharIndex ):
# find eol before it and re-read characters until eol this is the structure name while (CharIndex >= 0) and (CharIndex < len(ParaChars)) and (ParaChars[CharIndex] <> "\n"):
 print "CharIndex: " + str(CharIndex)
 CharIndex = CharIndex - 1

# re-read characters for structure name
StructureName = ""
while (CharIndex < len(ParaChars)) and (ParaChars[CharIndex] <> "\n"):
 print "CharIndex: " + str(CharIndex)
 StructureName = StructureName + ParaChars[CharIndex]
 CharIndex = CharIndex + 1

print StructureName

def ParseStructureClose( ParaChars, CharIndex ):

def ParseDemoChars( ParaChars ):
print "Parsing " + str( len(ParaChars) ) + " chars."
for CharIndex in range(0, len(ParaChars)):
 print "Parsing char index: " + str(CharIndex)
 if ParaChars[CharIndex] == "{":
  ParseStructureOpen( ParaChars, CharIndex )
 elif ParaChars[CharIndex] == "}":
  ParseStructureClose( ParaChars, CharIndex )

def Main():
DemoFilePath = BotDemoFolder + "\\" + BotDemoFile

FileObject = open( DemoFilePath, "r")

# DemoLines = FileObject.readlines()
# ParseDemoLines( DemoLines )

DemoChars = FileObject.read()
ParseDemoChars( DemoChars )


print "program started"

Tick1 = time.time()
Tick2 = time.time()

Seconds = Tick2 - Tick1

print "Time in seconds: " + str(Seconds)

print "program finished"


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