Op 05-05-15 om 18:24 schreef Rustom Mody:

> Yeah I happen to me in that minuscule minority that regards '= denotes 
> assignment' a bigger mistake than ++

Nice to know I'm not alone. I Especially think it is a mistake, because
it is then used as a reason for not allowing something like

  if a = b - 1:

arguing it would lead to some difficult bugs.

Which in my mind is arguing backwards. Either you think an assigment
in a condition is useful or harmful. In the first case you then look
for an assignment token or assignment syntax that is not that likely
to lead to difficult to discover bugs instead of letting a possible
misleading token or syntax prevent you from implementing something

In the second case you just state why you think an assignment in a
condition is harmful. No need to hide behind awkward syntax.

Antoon Pardon


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