On 7/29/05, Dark Cowherd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am new to Python. I tried it out and think it is fantastic.

Congrats and have fun learning all there is to learn.

> I really loved this from import this statements:
> There should be one-- and preferably only one --obvious way to do it.
> But this not true of Python.
> GUI, Web development, Application Framework - it is shambles. It is so
> frustrating for a person who comes from a well designed environment /
> framework like Delphi.

Well, consider also that all these frameworks and similar such
projects are not Python the Language, and as such are allowed to have
a few more ways to do it. There is movement toward convergence on many
fronts, with efforts such as WSGI and the anygui package. I don't
believe there should be only one way to do a thing at the beginning,
and in many ways we are still at the beginning of many areas, but we
need to spread our collective tentacles into many ideas and try what

What is great about Python is that after some time with works being
quite seperate, such as the many implementations of interfaces and
adaptation systems, we are able to converge them, as is currently
proposed and likely to occure soon. We need to test out many things
and get a feel for the use of something before we can decide what the
one way to do it should be. Python makes it easy to test all the
different waters, and then to combine them into the best solution,
when the community is ready to do so.

> My organisation writes products for Small and Medium Enterprises. We
> are using Delphi, we want to do more web based and Linux solutions, so
> I was evaluating Python, but even though I love the language and will
> probably do hobby programming using the language, I wouldnt really
> recommend our organisation to plan and execute a tranisition.

Thats a shame, really.

> We have been around a while and we have planned and done transitions
> from Clipper to FoxproW to VB to Delphi.
> >From what I understand Database access was in similar shambles in
> Python but a SIG took up the task and made some decisions which has
> now streamlined database access in Python.
> I really would love to have a Python where TOOWTDI
> Is there some place to discuss topics like this? Is this the right place?
> --
> DarkCowherd
> --
> http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list

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