On 04/20/2015 04:29 AM, gianluca.pu...@gmail.com wrote:
Hi and welcome.
I don't know Lotus Notes, but i can at least comment on some of your
code, pointing out at least some problems.
i am having a problem when i try to access lotus notes with python, think i do
all ok but it seems something is going wrong because i can't print any db title
even if i've opened the .nsf file.
My code:
import win32com.client
from win32com.client import Dispatch
You're using backslashes in literal strings when there's nothing escaped
there. So you need to either double them or use a raw string. It's
also possible that you could use forward slashes, but I can't be sure.
I'd simply use
notesServer = R'Mail\wed\new\IT'
notesFile= 'Apps\Mydb.nsf'
notesPass = 'mypass'
session = Dispatch('Lotus.NotesSession')
print "----------------"
db = session.getDatabase(notesServer, notesFile)
print db.Open
You forgot the parentheses. So you're not calling the Open function,
you're just printing it.
print db.IsOpen
print db.Title
but i receve:
<bound method CDispatch.Open of <COMObject <unknown>>>
Please can u help me?
There may be other things, but if you fix the three lines, it'll
probably get further.