Hi, i am having a problem when i try to access lotus notes with python, think i do all ok but it seems something is going wrong because i can't print any db title even if i've opened the .nsf file.
My code: import win32com.client from win32com.client import Dispatch notesServer='Mail\wed\new\IT' notesFile= 'Apps\Mydb.nsf' notesPass = 'mypass' session = Dispatch('Lotus.NotesSession') session.Initialize(notesPass) print "----------------" db = session.getDatabase(notesServer, notesFile) print db.Open print db.IsOpen print db.Title but i receve: <bound method CDispatch.Open of <COMObject <unknown>>> False Please can u help me? GL -- https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list