On 27Mar2015 21:02, Manuel Graune <manuel.gra...@koeln.de> wrote:
Cameron Simpson <c...@zip.com.au> writes:

This passes the local variables inside test1() to "condition" as a
single parameter. Now, I grant that vars['i'] is a miracle of
tediousness. So consider this elaboration:

 from collections import namedtuple

 condition_test = lambda vars: vars.i + vars.j > 4

 def test1(a, b, condition):
   for i, j in zip(a,b):
     c = i + j
     vars = locals()
     varnames = list(vars.keys())
     varstupletype = namedtuple("locals", varnames)
     varstuple = varstupletype(*[ vars[k] for k in varnames ])
     if condition(varstuple):

Here, the condition_test function/lambda uses "vars.i" and "vars.j",
which i think you'll agree is easier to read and write. The price is
the construction of a "namedtuple" to hold the variable name
values. See:


This is probably getting off topic,

I think it is on topic.

but is there any relevant difference
or benefit to using namedtuple instead of something like types.SimpleNamespace?


Probably not. SimpleNamespace is much easier to construct; I hadn't thought of it. As the doc remarks, a namedtuple is probably better for fixed records (eg mapping out rows of a CSV file) because it will prevent you using the wrong name. But for a comparison function SimpleNamespace is probably better.

Cameron Simpson <c...@zip.com.au>

The Horn of Vengeance: When he pushes the horn button, the device produces
the sound of fingernails scraping on a blackboard, amplified beyond pain
threshold.  If that doesn't work, the horn then plays the Pina Colada song.

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