On 03/20/2015 12:10 PM, Grant Edwards wrote:
> On 2015-03-20, Grant Edwards <invalid@invalid.invalid> wrote:
>> I need to automate operation of a Windows application.
> I should have mentioned that I've found and am going to experiment
> a bit with pywinauto-0.4.0, but if there is anything else I should
> look at, suggestions would be welcome.

As near as I can tell the standard go-to utility for this is a program
called AutoIt.  https://www.autoitscript.com/site/autoit/

Nothing to do with Python, and its scripting language is maybe not that
appealing to many, but it does the job, and does it pretty well.  I
first used it when working with a Linux-based PXE boot solution that
would automatically install Windows via a network boot, and install a
custom set of apps we set up.  Was super slick.


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