[I thought I'd seen a discussion of this recently, but I can't seem to
find the right keyword.]

I need to automate operation of a Windows application.  It's a
conformance test app from a standards organizaiton, and it's
_stunningly_ bad.  You have to sit it front of it like some sort of
brainless slave and click a button every 10-20 minutes.

At a minimum, I'd like to click the "run" button on a certain dialog
when it pops up so I can at least run one test multiple times.  It
would also be nice to be able to menu selections and enter data in
dialogs so that I can run multiple tests without human intervention.

I'm normally a Linux and embedded developer, but I have ActiveState
Python installed, and am hoping I can write some sort of Python
program to drive this awful Windows app...

There's no way to automate or script anything in this application, and
even the simplest features seem to be broken.  For example, there a
spot where you can enter how many times a test is to run.  But after
each run, a dialog box pops up and you have to click "run" again.
It's one of those programs that can only survive in such a state of
brokenness because there's a "standards" organization that forces you
to buy it and use it (I'm talking about _you_ ODVA).

Grant Edwards               grant.b.edwards        Yow! Boys, you have ALL
                                  at               been selected to LEAVE th'
                              gmail.com            PLANET in 15 minutes!!

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