On Feb 22, 2015, at 4:34 PM, Marko Rauhamaa <ma...@pacujo.net> wrote:

> Cem Karan <cfkar...@gmail.com>:
>> My goal is to make things as pythonic (whatever that means in this
>> case) and obvious as possible. Ideally, a novice can more or less
>> guess what will happen with my API without really having to read the
>> documentation on it.
> If you try to shield your user from the complexities of asynchronous
> programming, you will only cause confusion. You will definitely need to
> document all nooks and crannies of the semantics of the callback API and
> your user will have to pay attention to every detail of your spec.
> Your user, whether novice or an expert, will thank you for your
> unambiguous specification even if it is complicated.

Documentation is a given; it MUST be there.  That said, documenting something, 
but still making it surprising, is a bad idea.  For example, several people 
have been strongly against using a WeakSet to hold callbacks because they 
expect a library to hold onto callbacks.  If I chose not to do that, and used a 
WeakSet, then even if I documented it, it would still end up surprising people 
(and from the sound of it, more people would be surprised than not).

Cem Karan

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