I have an object that expects to call a callable to get a value:

class obj:
  def __init__ (self, gen):
    self.gen = gen
  def __call__ (self):
    return self.gen()

Now I want gen to be a callable that repeats N times.  I'm thinking, this
sounds perfect for yield

class rpt:
  def __init__ (self, value, rpt):
    self.value = value; self.rpt = rpt
  def __call__ (self):
    for i in range (self.rpt):
      yield self.value

so I would do:

my_rpt_obj = obj (rpt ('hello', 5))

to repeat 'hello' 5 times (for example).

But this doesn't work.  when obj calls self.gen(), that returns a generator, not
the next value.

How can I make this work?  I can't change the interface of the existing class 
obj, which expects a callable to get the next value.

-- Those who don't understand recursion are doomed to repeat it


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