On 02/01/2015 12:12 PM, Marko Rauhamaa wrote:
> Christian Gollwitzer <aurio...@gmx.de>:
>> Am 01.02.15 um 08:58 schrieb Marko Rauhamaa:
>>> Qt gave up on C++ when it comes to callbacks ("signals") and went for
>>> an apocryphal metacompiler.
>> Yes, but only because C++ compilers were not good enough when QT came
>> out, and later is was too late to change it to a templated system.
>> Lookup libsigc++ http://libsigc.sourceforge.net/ which does the same
>> using standard C++ and http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-4.8/templates.html
>> for a reasoning of QT.
>> In C++11 (supported by MSVC, g++, clang) there re also lambda expressions
> So please implement this small piece of Python code in C++ so we can
> compare the idioms:

Honestly with the C++ standard library implementing std::function and
std::bind macros, idiomatically it would look very much similar to the
Python code you showed.


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