Hi Mark !
I hope you are well, and haven't been injured falling out of your chair
There are probably 12 to 14 emails that I haven't been able to read in
my inbox from the python list on the subject of this 'drivel', because I
have a real life besides the semi-comedy act that goes on here. I
seriously doubt I will ever read them all...
On 01/26/2015 08:31 AM, Mark Lawrence wrote:
On 26/01/2015 13:38, Andrew Robinson wrote:
Ah well, now that I have actually bothered to read your three replies, I
suppose the most surprising part of your emails is this:
-My fellow Pythonistas, ask not what our language can do for you, ask
what you can do for our language.
You do realize that such a statement actually encourages more drivel ? :D