Steven D'Aprano <> writes: > Is there a good tutorial to learn about pip?
I'll answer what I think is the correct question: where to learn about the current best Python packaging practices. We have recently gained an official body whose explicit job is to direct, and be opinionated about, packaging Python software: the Python Packaging Authority <URL:>. One of their many beneficial outputs is the Python Packaging User Guide <URL:>. > I know that pip is Officially The Best Thing Evar, but my experience > so far has been less than satisfactory. For a very long time, Python packaging was in a truly awful state, and seemed to get even worse with time. That is now reversed though (IMO), and ‘pip’ does indeed represent the Best Thing So Far™ for Python package installation. That does not contradict the position that it's an ornery beast full of hidden traps and compromises though; it just means that everything that came before it (in Python) is worse :-) Seriously, even those who believe they know a lot about Python packaging will benefit greatly from learning about the sweeping improvements that have been made in the past handful of years. Get thee to the Python Packaging Authority resources and learn where we're at, and how far we have to go. -- \ “You can stand tall without standing on someone. You can be a | `\ victor without having victims.” —Harriet Woods, 1927–2007 | _o__) | Ben Finney --