On Friday, January 2, 2015 8:01:50 AM UTC-6, Chris Angelico wrote: > I'm not sure that I'd want to. Handling case insensitivity is fine > when you're restricting everything to ASCII, but it's rather harder > when you allow all of Unicode. For instance, U+0069 and U+0049 would > be considered case-insensitively equal in English, but in Turkish, > they're different letters; U+0069 upper-cases to U+0130, and U+0049 > lower-cases to U+0131.
So what? If you're going to go out of your way to accomadate a small regional perversion of language semantics, then your "fetish of multiculturalism" is even more dangerous than i have previously thought! SPECIAL CASES ARE NOT *SPECIAL ENOUGH* TO BREAK THE RULES! This "idea" that software needs to be written to accommodate every language of the world is complete nonsense. I would suggest writing software that targets *only* the modern world. Those who refuse to be a part of the modern world can suffer the troubles of forking the code into their ancient systems -- and i will not loose any sleep over the issue. PROGRESS IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN PROTECTION OF DELICATE SENSIBILITIES! -- https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list