On 12/03/2014 08:57 PM, Dennis Lee Bieber wrote:
> On Wed, 3 Dec 2014 10:16:18 -0800 (PST), sohcahto...@gmail.com declaimed
> the following:
>> I'm surprised other people haven't picked up on how obvious of a troll this 
>> "Skybuck Flying" guy is.  He claims 20 years programming experience, then 
>> uses an absurd amount of globals, many of which are related, without using a 
>> data structure of some kind.
>       My initial impression is of 20 years of Kemeny&Kurtz BASIC... Of the
> 70s... with everything global.

BASIC was slow in changing, that's for sure.  I have used BASIC a lot
over the years, and it's been highly structured with modern scoping
rules since about the mid 80s.  Certainly Borland's Turbo BASIC provided
real functions and subroutines, private variables, block structures,
etc.  Sadly BASIC dialects tended to try to maintain backwards
compatibility so even modern dialects like FreeBASIC can be coerced into
executing spaghetti code.  Sad that the OP is stuck in this style of
programming.  Whatever works for him. Maybe instead of Python he should
use FreeBASIC with the -lang qb flag.  Actually, more appropriate might
be PC Basic [1] which is a GW BASIC clone actually written in Python.
Nothing better than executing spaghetti code in an interpreter written
in an interpreted language! Python indeed must be powerful indeed.

[1] http://sourceforge.net/projects/pcbasic


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