
> On Wednesday, December 3, 2014 10:05:06 AM UTC-8, mm0fmf wrote:
>> On 03/12/2014 04:32, Skybuck Flying wrote:
>> > Some issues I'd like to address to you:
>> >
>> > 1. Structured programming requires more programming time.
>> > 2. Structured programming implies structure which might be less
>> > flexible. 3. Python objects require "self" keyword to be used
>> > everywhere, and other akwardness wich leads to more
>> > typing/programming/writing time.
>> Hmm, I smell trolling!
>> *plonk*
> I'm surprised other people haven't picked up on how obvious of a troll
> this "Skybuck Flying" guy is.  He claims 20 years programming experience,
> then uses an absurd amount of globals, many of which are related, without
> using a data structure of some kind.

20 years of maintaining COBOL code first written in 1967 perhaps?

Or more likely, VisualBasic. Skybuck Flying has posted here before:

Judging from what he considers good style and essential features of a
programming language, I expect that he learned to program in BASIC back in
the days of line numbers and GOTOs, and has barely adapted to a *slightly*
more structured approach in VB.

>> > I am still new at python and definetly don't feel comfortable with the
> object feature,
> Someone with 20 years of programming shouldn't have any problems
> understanding objects in Python.

Oh if that were only the case. It is amazing how long some people can work
in a profession and still avoid learning anything new.



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