On 11/27/2014 09:10 AM, David Aldrich wrote:

I am running Python 2.7 on Windows 8.1. Today I installed path.py using 

        easy_install path.py

The example code that I've seen imports path.py as follows:

        from path import path

I am fairly new to Python and have a few questions about this:

1) Why is 'from path' required here?

The module called "path" evidently has a global symbol "path" in it. That's unfortunate and very confusing, but it's pretty common. (See the time function in the time module, standard library.) I don't know anything about the module, but I'll make a wild guess that path is a function. It doesn't matter, but it'll let me make explicit examples.

So the obvious approach to dealing with a module is to import it.

import path

At that point, to call the above mentioned function, you would need to use:

result =  path.path(arguments)

That gets confusing, so you might want a shortcut:

pathfunc = path.path

and now you can use

result =  pathfunc(arguments)

The "from" logic facilitates that, by combining the import with the assignment: The line:

from path import path
is equivalent to
import path;  path = path.path

I don't know where path.py is, and it might be called something else, such as path.pyc, or path.pyd, or ... But you can probably search for it, if you like, with something like

    dir /s  c:\path.p*

I am assuming you're running on Windows, because you mention a Microsoft IDE. If you were on Linux or Unix or Mac, you'd presumably use the find program.

> 2) I am using Microsoft's PTVS IDE to develop my code. It is not displaying code completion for path.py (it works for the standard libraries). How would I tell PTVS about path.py?

No clue about Microsoft's PTVS IDE; I hadn't heard of it before. But if somebody else doesn't jump in, you should be able to use the Python dir() and help() built-in functions. Then only work if the path module is well written, of course.


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