On 2014-11-27 14:10, David Aldrich wrote:

I am running Python 2.7 on Windows 8.1. Today I installed path.py
using easy_install:

easy_install path.py

The example code that I've seen imports path.py as follows:

from path import path

I am fairly new to Python and have a few questions about this:

1) Why is 'from path' required here?

The syntax:

    from <module> import <name>

will import the name <name> from the module <module>, so:

    from path import path

will import the name 'path' (a class) from the module 'path'.

2) I am using Microsoft's PTVS IDE to develop my code. It is not
displaying code completion for path.py (it works for the standard
libraries). How would I tell PTVS about path.py?

Perhaps I just need to know where path.py is as I can't find it in my


import path
print path.__file__

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